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ASUS G53SX-XT1 15.6" Laptop Computer Price
Best Review: ASUS G53SX-XT1 15.6" Laptop Computer - When I got my laptop PC, I was impressed with the visual quality and performance. It also stays cool for a pretty long time. It was more bulky than I expected.I received my computer in October 2011. After only about two months I started having problems with my screen not showing at start up. It happened about 4 times. The last time was in February 2012 and the screen has not shown since.I contacted Asus support and their instructions about removing and replacing the battery and charger did not work. Several emails later, I'm still trying to get this problem resolved. In the meantime, I've had to purchase another laptop to work on. Money, I would have much rather spent on other important things.I was told that this was a good, reliable brand, so I'm disappointed with problems this early.
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